
Ground Floor Theatre fosters an environment for creative thinkers and artists to produce works with a focus on historically underrepresented communities. GFT amplifies and lifts up voices that need to be heard to people who need to hear them, working to create equity through art.

979 Springdale Rd

Suite 122

Austin, TX 78702

How to get there

The Ground Floor Theatre has a lovely map on their website on how to easily find the theatre and where to park. There is a large parking lot with a ramp, accessible bathroom backstage and for the audience.

About the Space

There are no steps backstage or into the building. Individual seats can be removed in the audience making it adjustable to increase the amount of seats for wheel chair users as needed. As we’ve worked in this space before backstage can be navigated by various types of wheel chairs. We are working hard with the venue and are very happy to have such a supportive theatre as our partner venue.